rus ukr

Цеплова С.А.

Donetsk National Technical University
Coputer Scince Faculty
Research subject: economic kibernetika


"The automated support of a rate " Programming languages"

Superviser:Serik A. E.
Dissert Library Links


I, Tseplova Svetlana Aleksandrovna, was born January, 13, 1981 in city of Donetsk. Mum, Tseplova Natalia Viktorovna works on civil service 10 years. Daddy, Tseplov Alexander Vasil'evich. Sister Elena, is more senior for 7 years, works as the choreographer.
In seven years has gone to the first class of a comprehensive school № 51 cities of Donetsk. Studied well. Was engaged in art gymnastics. In 10 years has acted in Donetsk children's choreographic school. Has studied there 7 years, having received the diploma. In the seventh class has passed in a school № 14. Favourite subjects were mathematics and physics. From teachers it would be desirable to allocate the class teacher, Nazarenko N. E., the teacher of physics - Bordun Nina Ivanovna, for that that have managed to cause interest to the subjects and have made their favourite. At school was fond of basketball. Our team has won first place on basketball, among schools Voroshilovskogo of area.
School has finished in 1998 with good marks and letters on the English language and a history.

For years of training at university has got the following professional skills:
- Access, 1C
- 3D Studio Max, AutoCad
- Programming under the Internet (HTML, JavaScript)
- Mathematica, Matlab ...

In the summer 2002 after successful delivery Examinations has received the bachelor's degree of economy and business. Since September, 2002 I am the student of a magistracy of Donetsk national technical university. A theme of the diploma " the Automated support of a rate: "Programming languages". Work I write under the direction of the senior lecturer of faculty PMI Serika Alexander Evgen'evicha. I was interested with the theme offered to him, therefore as the head I have chosen him.